- Charity
- Generosity
- Joy
- Gentleness
- Peace
- Faithfulness
- Patience
- Modesty
- Kindness
- Self-control
- Goodness
- Chastity
Seven Gifts of The Holy Ghost
- Wisdom.
- Understanding.
- Counsel.
- Fortitude.
- Knowledge.
- Piety.
- Fear of The Lord.
The Eight Beatitudes
- Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is The Kingdom of Heaven.
- Blessed are the meek; for they shall possess the land.
- Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.
- Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for Justice; for they shall be filled.
- Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain Mercy.
- Blessed are the pure of heart; for they shall see God.
- Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called The Children of God.
- Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Justice' sake; for theirs is The Kingdom of Heaven.
Seven Deadly Sins
- Pride.
- Covetousness.
- Lust.
- Anger.
- Gluttony.
- Envy.
- Sloth.
Contrary Virtues
- Against Pride, we practice Humility.
- Against Covetousness, we practice Liberality.
- Against Lust, we practice Chastity.
- Against Anger, we practice Meekness.
- Against Gluttony, we practice Temperance.
- Against Envy, we practice Brotherly Love.
- Against Sloth, we practice Diligence.
Sins Against The Holy Ghost
- Presumption upon God's Mercy.
- Despair.
- Impugning The Known Truth.
- Envy of another's spiritual good.
- Obstinacy in sin.
- Final Impertinence.
Sins Crying to Heaven for Vengeance
- Wilful murder.
- The sin of Sodom.
- Oppression f the poor.
- Defrauding Labourers of Their Wages.
Nine Ways of Being Accessory to One's Sin
- By Counsel.
- By command.
- By consent.
- By provocation.
- By praise or flattery.
- By concealment.
- By part hiking.
- By silence.
- By defence of the Ill done.
Three Eminently Good works
- Alms/deeds.
- Works of Mercy.
- Prayer and Fasting.
The Three Evangelical Counsels
- Voluntary poverty.
- Chastity.
- Obedience.
Theological Virtues
Cardinal Virtues
Corporal Works of Mercy
The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.
Feed the hungry
Shelter the homeless
Clothe the naked
Visit the sick and imprisoned
Bury the dead
Give alms to the poor
Spiritual Works of Mercy
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion, as listed below, by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs.
Bear wrongs patiently
The Ten Commandments:
- I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not kill.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
- You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Marks of the Church
The Nicene Creed was written centuries ago to help Christians remember the important beliefs of the faith. In the Nicene Creed we identify the four marks of the Church. The four marks of the Church are not characteristics that the Church creates or develops or learns. They are qualities that Jesus Christ shares with his Church through the Holy Spirit. The four marks of the Church are that it is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
The Church Is One
Just as God is one in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so also is the Church one. The founder of the Church is Jesus Christ, who brought us back to God and made us into the family of God. The Church is one in the Holy Spirit, who dwells in those who believe.
The Church Is Holy
The Church is holy because the Church lives in union with Jesus Christ, the source of holiness. Through the Holy Spirit the Church leads others to holiness. The holiness of the Church is seen in the love that the members of the Church have toward one another and the many sacrifices they make for the sake of the world.
The Church Is Catholic
Catholic means “universal.” The Church is universal in two ways. First, the Church is catholic because all baptized people are part of the Church and the Church possesses the means of salvation. Second, the mission of the Church is universal because the Church has been sent to proclaim Christ to the entire human race.
The Church Is Apostolic
The Church traces its tradition directly from the apostles; therefore, the Church is considered apostolic. With the Holy Spirit the Church preserves and continues the teaching of the apostles. The pope and bishops are the successors of the apostles.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
In the Book of Isaiah 11:2-3, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are described. In the passage the gifts are considered ones that the Messiah would have possessed. Through Jesus, we also receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Wisdom helps us recognize the importance of others and the importance of keeping God central in our lives.
Understanding is the ability to comprehend the meaning of God's message.
Knowledge is the ability to think about and explore God's revelation, and also to recognize there are mysteries of faith beyond us.
Counsel is the ability to see the best way to follow God's plan when we have choices that relate to him.
Fortitude is the courage to do what one knows is right.
Piety helps us pray to God in true devotion.
Fear of the Lord is the feeling of amazement before God, who is all-present, and whose friendship we do not want to lose.
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