Sunday, November 24, 2019


At the incarnation, while in the very womb of His mother, Christ our King initiated His Kingdom Protocol by assigning to his precursor, the designate signature that would consecrate him (set him aside) for his mission as the announcer of The CHRIST that had come.
In His mother's womb as an embryo, using his mother Mary's substance, he conferred on St. John The Baptist, the Eternally dignifying gift of SANCTIFYING GRACE, a gift which the Saint would devote his life to spreading.
The saint himself being in the form of an embryo in his mother's womb was transformed and made pure.
Later on He (Christ) would tell his disciples that One must be Baptized to enter the "Kingdom of God". What does this mean? The Catholic Catechism teaches us that by Baptism, we are made possessors of The Divine Nature. We're therefore made new as Members of The Christ who is our Head.
Christ linking Baptism to HIS KINGDOM, literally means that BY VIRTUE OF BAPTISM, ONE BECOMES A CITIZEN OF HIS KINGDOM where he reigns as King.
Throughout his life, he emphasized the doctrine of Love for fellow human beings and Simple faith in God as pillars of The New Kingdom.
When asked the greatest Commandment, he had no qualms about readily tendering the answer, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind", before adding, "'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'".
When asked what to do to enter heaven, Christ answered, "Obey The ten Commandments". When pressed further, He told the Rich man to sell all his belongings and offer the money to the poor", adding that he would have treasure in Heaven. This meant that selflessness was a major player in this Kingdom of Christ which has it's foundations in our hearts.
When establishing St Peter for leadership of His Church, He thrice asked The Saint if He loved Him before making the admonishing to Peter to feed and shepherd his flock. This emphasized that The Leader of His flock would lead basically by reason of True Love for 'Christ, The King' and by protraction, His flock.
It is thus Love and Selflessness that rule this kingdom, which is illuminated by Perfect Obedience to Christ...and by extension, his Church.
May Christ, Who is King today and forever, establish in our hearts, souls, homes and Society true elements of His Kingdom that we may serve as his true Subjects, friends, and members.

This November 24 2019 is the last Sunday in ordinary time before we begin the season of Advent, which specifically focuses on preparing our hearts to receive Jesus, the king. Jesus says, “My kingdom is not of this world.” If our thoughts, goals, desires and lives are of this world, how can Jesus be king of our hearts? If we seek to make Christ the king of our hearts, it might be worth our time this Advent season to consider “giving up” such elements of the kingdom of this world that have too much authority or control over us and have held us prisoner, so that we can prepare the way in our hearts to receive the King of the Universe. Our desire to have Christ reign in our hearts, souls, homes and Nation must be one conceived with a resolution that is not of this world.
In our various communities and nations, we are also challenged as Christians to show that Character of Christ imprinted in us at our Baptism, the character of selfless love for our fellow citizens and a critical devotion to National Growth and advancement which is the only way to ensure that every Citizen gets what rightfully belongs to them.
May God grant us The strength and Wisdom to be our brothers keeper and to allow Christ reign in our hearts, communities and country.


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